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Springtime . . . What Positive Changes Will You Make?

Spring Tulips imageMarch is a transition month–from winter to spring.  It brings many changes.  As we end one season and begin another, it’s a great time to reflect on what changes you would like to initiate in your work life.

What improvement goals do you have for the next 6 months?  What are you working on for your own personal/professional development?

Consider challenging yourself to open a new window. What mind-expanding activities are you involved in or are you scheduled to participate in?  Many professionals are juggling hectic work schedules, travel and family priorities.

As I work with my executive coaching clients I often ask them to consider beginning any of the following development activities to complete over the next 6 months–and just get started!

  • Sign up for a creativity class.  Read a great book on sparking your creativity!  Thinkertoys is one of my favorites!
  • Read a best-selling business book and share the highlights with your team.
  • Attend a conference related to your area of expertise–attend workshops that highlight new developments in your field.
  • Sign up for a writing class.  They are mind-expanding!  Check your local bookstore or a local college/ university–don’t worry about grades–sign up for even a not-for-credit course.  You’ll be so glad you did!
  • Study a foreign language.
  • Find a mentor or be a mentor.
  • Whatever your interests, try something new and enjoy all the surprises that come with opening a new window!

For information on creativity workshops, please contact me:  720-542-3324; kathy@kathycooperman.com

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